Friday, September 12, 2008

The Secret and the Politics of Fear and Manipulation

I know many people have watched the movie called "The Secret" put it's message in a nutshell....What you put your attention on is what will be your experience...or Your Thoughts Create Your Reality!

Now do we just nod our heads and acknowledge intellectually that this is true? Or do we put it to the test AGAIN......and let the media, and the emails about how bad Sarah Palin and McCain are.....and fwd them to all our friends so that they can get all worked up and put their focus on what we don't want instead of WHAT WE WANT TO SEE!

I don't know about you but as for me.....the choice is clear and I know enough about the candidates to make my decision. I'm convinced that one of the reasons Bush got to spend another 4 years in the WhiteHouse was because of all the "psychic" emotional energy that his opponents put forth! I spent much more time, energy and emotion thinking about and being fearful of Bush getting elected again than I did focusing on getting Kerry elected. I take full responsibility for my part in this and intend to learn from my mistakes.

Therefore I am going to do my very best to let Ms Palin go back to the land of least in my mind. After all....two weeks ago most of us didn't even know who she was. Now I know way more about her than I would have ever chosen to know. If she and Biden have a debate I am not going to listen to it. (I am lucky because I haven't had television in my home for almost 35 years!) I am not suggesting you follow this path unless you think like I do.....that it will give her way too much power and emotions of dislike and the energy of fear. I am also making a concerted effort to be selective about what I listen to and what I read.
Pls don't fwd any negative emails about McCain or least to me.

If you are stronger than I am and think you can with-stand the media frenzy without letting it take your focus off of what you want to see than go ahead and listen and watch is really quite the spectacle. I will probably wish I had seen or heard some of it at some point but will be content to laugh about it on the morning of November 8th when I wake up to hear about
President elect Barak Obama!

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