Friday, September 12, 2008

Obama on the Issues

I've heard people comment on how they haven't heard either candidate really get into the "meat and potatoes" of the issues.
I think this will happen with the upcoming debates, and I also think the reason people don't know how Obama feels about the issues is partly due to our media "sound-bite" culture.
We have become lazy and complacent to some extent and just depend on the television and other media to find out what is happening. That can be dangerous and ultimately ineffective!
I am suggesting that we each take responsibility for finding out what is really true, and take the time to investigate ourselves instead of depending on the media to get our questions answered. We are very lucky that we live in the age of the internet and can find out about almost anything with the click of the mouse! is a link to a pdf file which you can download and it goes into depth about Obama's stance on the major issues.

I also strongly recommend getting both of his books, and actually reading them!
"Dreams of My Father" tells his life story and how he developed his belief system.
"The Audacity of Hope" gives much more insight into what he believes about this "new kind of politics --a politics that builds upon those shared understandings that pull us together as Americans."
He is a uniter, and unfortunately the atmosphere of the political campaign as it exists today doesn't show this.
There is plenty of meat and potatoes to be had in both of these books and in the man himself!

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